Bücher Herunterladen The Elements of Landscape Oil Painting: Techniques for Rendering Sky, Terrain, Trees, and Water, by Suzanne Brooker

Senin, 08 November 2010

Bücher Herunterladen The Elements of Landscape Oil Painting: Techniques for Rendering Sky, Terrain, Trees, and Water, by Suzanne Brooker

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The Elements of Landscape Oil Painting: Techniques for Rendering Sky, Terrain, Trees, and Water, by Suzanne Brooker

The Elements of Landscape Oil Painting: Techniques for Rendering Sky, Terrain, Trees, and Water, by Suzanne Brooker

The Elements of Landscape Oil Painting: Techniques for Rendering Sky, Terrain, Trees, and Water, by Suzanne Brooker

Bücher Herunterladen The Elements of Landscape Oil Painting: Techniques for Rendering Sky, Terrain, Trees, and Water, by Suzanne Brooker

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The Elements of Landscape Oil Painting: Techniques for Rendering Sky, Terrain, Trees, and Water, by Suzanne Brooker

Über den Autor und weitere Mitwirkende

SUZANNE BROOKER received her BFA at the California Institute of the Arts in 1979, attended by invitation the Whitney Museum Independent Study program in New York City, and pursued her drawing studies at the School of Visual Arts. In 1990 Brooker returned to the West Coast and studied life drawing with Gary Faigin at the Gage Academy of Art and completed her MFA in figurative painting under Domenic Cretera at California State University, Long Beach. The author of Portrait Painting Atelier (2011), Brooker currently paints and teaches drawing and painting at the Gage Academy.


Gebundene Ausgabe: 208 Seiten

Verlag: Watson-Guptill (18. August 2015)

Sprache: Englisch

ISBN-10: 0804137552

ISBN-13: 978-0804137553

Größe und/oder Gewicht:

23,7 x 1,9 x 28,8 cm

Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung:

3.5 von 5 Sternen

2 Kundenrezensionen

Amazon Bestseller-Rang:

Nr. 21.040 in Fremdsprachige Bücher (Siehe Top 100 in Fremdsprachige Bücher)

Dieses Werk der renommierten Autorin und Künstlerin Suzanne Brooker ist eine wahre Freude. Es bietet unzählige Erkenntnisse für jeden, der sich praktisch oder als Kunstliebhaber für Landschaftsmalerei interessiert. Hier findet der Leser fundiertes Wissen und praktische Erfahrungen in einem Band. Die unzähligen Landschaftsformationen mit all ihren Elementen, von Wolkengruppen bis zu Methoden Blattwerk unter verschiedenen Lichtverhältnissen abzubilden, werden so dargestellt, daß sie für jeden mit guten Kenntnissen der Ölmalerei umgesetzt werden können. Die vorgestellten Methoden werden gut erklärt. Man spürt, daß hier eine passionierte Pädagogin ihre Erfahrungen teilen will. Ein besonderes Augenmerk wird dem Einsatz von Fotografien als Vorlagen gewidmet. Nicht alles kann malerisch umgesetzt werden. Der Blick des Fotografen muß sich vom Blick des Malers unterscheiden. Wie diese beiden Methoden Landschaften abzubilden, dennoch in einen kreativen Dialog treten können, was malbar ist, was nicht, welche Ausschnitte gute Kompositionen ergeben, welche ungünstig sind, all dies erläutert Brooker. Ein Buch der alten Schule, das mit seinen vielen Abbildungen und seinem Format unbedingt als Printausgabe erhalten bleiben sollte.

most of the 4/5 star reviewers(reviews on amazon.com and not amazon.de site) got a free copy for a "honest" review.. Well, I was excited to have the book and to start following it, but the paintings of the Author are for me not really inspirational and no real helpful instructional step by step paintings.Well, the book is going back..What irritates me is the aggressive marketing strategy of the publishers and the honest high flying reviews by the people who got a free copy from the publisher/author or some "financially-attached-entity".Well, I am ordering two used instructional books after researching on art forum..

This book begins slowly, seemingly buried under a thick layer of verbiage and beautiful thoughts, without much practical application. Like music, you just can't read about art technique for long without dozing off. I almost gave up, thinking she might make a better writer than painter. But the quality of the art led me on, and by the middle of the book, the author stopped talking and started showing, and the book suddenly came alive...her observations and suggestions were first class, even for me--a long-term landscapist. I think next time she should just drop the first fifty pages and begin "in medias res" as the Greeks used to say, or maybe the Zoroastrians, I forget.

I would put this together with Mitchell Albala's book in terms of helpfulness and beautiful images (and in fact Albala has a couple of paintings in this one, and I love his work, but I especially enjoyed the works here by Renato Muccillo). Although I paint in acrylics, not oils, I've been struggling with techniques I relied on in watercolor that don't work as well in acrylic. Most acrylic painting books seem to focus on gimmicks like gold leaf or carving shapes in gesso, and that is not what I want to do. I've looked at some other books on oil painting but they often relied on wet-in-wet and/or painterly techniques, which is not something I want to do with acrylics. I could see right away that this book gives many examples of the painter working over a dry layer, which is what I do, so these are techniques I can use. I have seen many examples of so-called Old Master type painting that involves toning the support, but I had not seen any colors used for that besides grays and earths. This is the first time I saw someone toning with cadmium orange. Right away I wanted to try that. I also appreciated the description of a flake white hue made from 1 parts titanium and 2 parts zinc. I have just begun working with white (since it's a no-no in watercolor, I never used it until the past year or so), and this formulation I will definitely try. The step-by-step paintings of clouds are especially helpful. Lots of good stuff here!

Best book on landscape painting. This is an excellent book and anyone ho aspires to be a landscape painter should own it.There are chapters on every main landscape feature - Trees, Water, Sky, Terrain etc, In each chapter there is a thorough discussion of how the paintings illustrated were constructed, a section on appropriate brush strokes and some demonstrations which the reader can choose to paint himself.The print is a somewhat too light for my eyes, so I bought the Kindle edition and use both of them.Fortunately this book does not go through the paints you should use, or which brushes and palette you should use. It assumes that you know that and are advanced enough not to have that stuff repeated. This is definitely a book for more advanced paintersEvery painter should have this in his library.

While this is a beautifully worded book with LOTS of flowing prose, I found it a bit lacking on the technical side. It has some great nuggets of information and a nice variety of lovely artwork, but I was hoping for more guidance on advanced painting techniques and how to achieve them.

I imagine most people purchasing this book are painters interested in improving their art, which clearly was the author's target readership. But this is also a fantastic book for non-painters like me, because it helps reveal some of the mystery that goes into creating a painting. It's also a fine reminder that painting, like any other art, is not just a matter of inspiration and creativity. A great deal of hard work and technical skill, honed through years of practice, goes into any decent painting. The more one knows about that, whether they themselves paint or not, the more he or she can appreciate paintings and the people who create them.

The Elements of Landscape Oil Painting: Techniques for Rendering Sky, Terrain, Trees, and Water, by Suzanne Brooker PDF
The Elements of Landscape Oil Painting: Techniques for Rendering Sky, Terrain, Trees, and Water, by Suzanne Brooker EPub
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The Elements of Landscape Oil Painting: Techniques for Rendering Sky, Terrain, Trees, and Water, by Suzanne Brooker iBooks
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The Elements of Landscape Oil Painting: Techniques for Rendering Sky, Terrain, Trees, and Water, by Suzanne Brooker Kindle

The Elements of Landscape Oil Painting: Techniques for Rendering Sky, Terrain, Trees, and Water, by Suzanne Brooker PDF

The Elements of Landscape Oil Painting: Techniques for Rendering Sky, Terrain, Trees, and Water, by Suzanne Brooker PDF

The Elements of Landscape Oil Painting: Techniques for Rendering Sky, Terrain, Trees, and Water, by Suzanne Brooker PDF
The Elements of Landscape Oil Painting: Techniques for Rendering Sky, Terrain, Trees, and Water, by Suzanne Brooker PDF

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